Author: critterverse
Full Site Editor: 404 Test
I just completed a fun call for testing for the (beta) Full Site Editor, the upcoming addition to the WordPress project that allows for customization of page elements that have traditionally been uneditable, such as the site title and menus. The Full Site Editor (name TBD) can be considered a continuation of the Gutenberg school of…
Accessibility in the Block Editor
Want to learn about accessibility features in the WordPress block editor? Check out my new post on the Automattic Design blog. Here’s a helpful guide I used for adding dark mode detection to the post — or you could always just activate Twenty-Twenty One theme to easily add this feature to your site 😁
User Autonomy and Block Controls
In the Gutenberg block editor, blocks have two sets of controls. Block ToolbarBlock controls and settings that are considered primary functionality (critical to the block’s usage) Block InspectorBlock controls and settings that are considered advanced functionality (nice-to-have on top of the core tools available in the block toolbar) One pattern that has emerged in Gutenberg is that…
Background Tools for Container Blocks
Hello world, welcome to my new design blog ✨ I’ll be sharing ideas and work-in-progress here as a sponsored contributor to the open source WordPress project from the Automattic design team. My first blog post is a continuation of work I shared previously on the GitHub Repository for the Gutenberg project. Like the previous iteration, this…